Friday, November 03, 2006

Why I hate Cup Day

Ok, so Tuesday's a public holiday, which means the MCV office is closed, which means we lose a day out of our production cycle, which means I have to go into the office on Friday afternoon, tired and nursing my traditional post-Q + A hangover, instead of being able to spend the day curled up on the couch.

Stupid horses. Stupid short people in bright silks. Damn you all. Damn you all to hell!


mskp said...

i was just ranting today at lunch about the bloody buggery races. standby for a thoroughgoing marxist critique on the path...

Bonnie Conquest said...

fucken stupid hats

Mel said...

Count your blessings Richard - at least your work closes for public holidays!! I have to work tomorrow, which is retarded - as if anyone will even be reading!